
12 Meme Lucu Soal Bangun Pagi Yang Nyindir Banget Buat Anak Jaman Sekarang

How Applying to Law School Early Could Pay Off Many law schools use a rolling admissions process, meaning they evaluate applications as they come in and release admissions decisions, one by one. Because there are typically more spots available in a law school class at the beginning of the admissions process than at the end, the ideal time for J.D. hopefuls to apply to law school is in the fall or early winter, experts say. "I tell anyone planning on applying to law school to apply early," Dineen Pashoukos Wasylik, a partner and owner of DPW Legal, an intellectual property and appellate practice boutique law firm in Florida, wrote in an email. "The class just fills up, and it gets harder and harder to get in as time goes on." Wasylik, who earned her J.D. from Georgetown University, says she knows from experience that the timing of a J.D. application is critical. The first time she applied to law school, Wasilyk was in her senior year of college, and she submitted all her application materials at the last minute because she felt unsure about whether she wanted to attend law school at the beginning of her senior year. She only realized later in her senior year that law school was the logical next step for her, and says she was disappointed by the responses she got from law schools when she eventually did apply. Evaluate How These Soft Factors Might Impact Your Law School Chances A lot of factors go into consideration when an admissions committee evaluates a law school application. Many are obvious, such as GPA, LSAT scores, personal statement, letters of recommendation and resume. Many, however, are unaware that there are other aspects of an applicant that don't necessarily appear on any one document that may grant them a positive nudge when being assessed by law schools. We call these "soft factors," and if one of them is part of your life experience, you would do well to highlight it in your application to improve your chances. Highlight military service. Schools love veterans, as they typically have the discipline, maturity, and life experience that many applicants – especially those applying from college – may lack. However, as you'll see in almost any soft factor, not all veterans are viewed the same. Any decorations – especially the rarer ones, such as a Service Crosses or a Silver Star – would give you a leg up on other veterans, so you should discuss the circumstances surrounding any decoration in a personal statement or an optional essay. Additionally, commissioned service, or serving as an officer, is viewed more favorably, as it carries with it additional training and leadership experience. Showcase outstanding co-curricular achievements. If you have had a paper published in a recognized journal in your research field, or have won awards from recognized outside groups for your research, those are fantastic achievements to highlight on your law school application. Obviously, the more widely accepted and cited your paper is, the more weight it will carry with schools. Similarly, being a recipient of a prestigious scholarship would also work in your favor, the more exclusive the better. Play up work experience and relevant expertise. Think about how exclusive your position was to determine how much weight it will be given. Scooping ice cream is unlikely to move a needle much, but being a top-tier executive at a Fortune 500 company would be quite appealing to law school. The expertise, knowledge, determination and demonstrated work ethic are exactly what law schools expect from their students and alumni. Similarly, being even somewhat-widely known in your field, perhaps by coming up with a new treatment as a doctor or a new approach to a common problem, should also be highlighted. Finally, some relevant, extensive work experience in a field relevant to legal field, for example, working as a chemist for a biotech company who is now looking to get into IP law, could also reflect favorably with the admissions committee. Demonstrate your leadership experience in school. Even in college you’ll have a chance to shine in many capacities, but here too the specifics matter too. The more people relied on your guidance and the more pressure you were under, the better your application will look.
The term cancer is used generically for more than 100 different diseases including malignant tumours of different sites (such as breast, cervix, prostate, stomach, colon/rectum, lung, mouth, leukaemia, sarcoma of bone, Hodgkin disease, and non-Hodgkin lymphoma). Common to all forms of the disease is the failure of the mechanisms that regulate normal cell growth, proliferation and cell death. Ultimately, there is progression of the resulting tumour from mild to severe abnormality, with invasion of neighbouring tissues and, eventually, spread to other areas of the body (1,2). Global burden of cancer: Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide. The disease accounted for 7.6 million deaths (or around 13% of all deaths worldwide) in 2008. The main types of cancer leading to overall cancer mortality each year are: lung (1.37 million deaths) stomach (736 000 deaths) liver (695 000 deaths) colorectal (608 000 deaths) breast (458 000 deaths) cervical cancer (275 000 deaths) More than 70% of all cancer deaths occurred in low- and middle-income countries. Deaths from cancer worldwide are projected to continue rising, with an estimated 13.1 million deaths in 2030 (3). Risk factors contribute to the development of cancer: A number of common risk factors have been linked to the development of cancer: an unhealthy lifestyle (including tobacco and alcohol use, inadequate diet, physical inactivity), and exposure to occupational (e.g. asbestos) or environmental carcinogens, (e.g. indoor air pollution), radiation (e.g. ultraviolet and ionizing radiation), and some infections (such as hepatitis B or human papilloma virus infection) (5). Diagnosis: Diagnostic investigations including endoscopy, imaging, hystopathology, cytology, laboratory studies etc. (1). Complications: Pain, depression, fatigue, sleep disorder and metastases are the major complications for cancer (1,2). Lung cancer: Lung cancer is the most common cancer in the world and was estimated to account for 1,239,000 cases and 1,103,000 deaths in 2000. (6) Three-quarters of all cases occur in men. The disease is most common in high-income countries and is increasing in some low-income countries such as China. It is almost always fatal, and is the chief cause of death from cancer: nearly 18 per cent of all deaths from cancer are from this type (7,8). Risk factors: Heavy smoking increases the risk by around 30-fold, and smoking causes over 80% of lung cancers in Western countries (6). It has been estimated that the passive smoker increases his risk of lung cancer by at least 25% over the person not exposed. It is far more significant in most countries than other forms of air pollution (7). Arsenic in drinking water and (in smokers only) pharmacological doses of beta-carotene were found convincingly related to increase risk (8). There is limited evidence suggesting that, Low dietary intake of vitamin A, total fat, redmeat, saturated fat, pharmacological doses of retinol (smokers only), cholesterol, alcohol (6,8). Numerous observational studies have found that lung cancer patients generally report a lower intake of fruits, vegetables and related nutrients (such as b-carotene) than controls (6). Dietary recommendation: There is limited evidence suggesting that fruits and non-starchy vegetables, (6,8), Carotenoids, Vit-C, E, selenium and foods containing it, foods containing quercetin protect against lung cancer (8). Recommendation for physical activity: Physical activity may affect the duration of the potentially carcinogenic substances in contact with cells in the lungs, both by improving lung capacity and general blood supply, it is interesting to note that most of the published studies in this area shows that physical activity protect against lung cancer (9-11). Breast cancer: Breast cancer is the second most common cancer in the world and the most common cancer among women. Breast cancer was estimated to account for 1,105,000 cases and 373,000 deaths in women in 2000. Incidence rates are about five times higher in Western countries than in less developed countries and Japan (6). Risk factors: High socio-economic status, early menarche, late first birth, late menopause, and a family history of breast cancer, rapid growth, greater adult height/weight gain, possibly total fat, saturated/animal fat, meat (12). Oestradiol and perhaps other hormones play a key role in the aetiology of breast cancer (4). Obesity increases breast cancer risk in postmenopausal women by around 50%, probably by increasing serum concentrations of free oestradiol. It was found convincingly related to increase risk (6). There is about 7% increase in risk for an average of one alcoholic drink every day (6). Alcohol interferes with oestrogen metabolism and action in multiple ways, influencing hormone levels and oestrogen receptors (8). Dietary recommendation: Possibly fruits and vegetables, nonsolluble polysaccharides/fiber, carotenoids (12). Dietary fiber can play a role in preventing breast cancer through nonestrogen pathways among postmenopausal women (12). Recommendation for physical activity: A number of studies and reports conclude that physical activity during work and leisure with an intensity that corresponds 6 METs (MET = metabolic equivalent, i.e. 6 METs corresponding light jogging for 4 hours per week) provides a reduction of breast cancer in postmenopausal women by 30-50 percent (13,14). A study among women who are carriers of the hereditary genes (BRCA1 and BRCA2) have shown there is a earlier development of breast cancer among women who were physically inactive than those who were physically active and carriers of BRCA1 / BRCA2 (15). Another important aspect of physical activity as a protective factor for breast cancer is its special affet during the sensitive periods when breasts are particularly vulnerable of carcinogens, such as in puberty (2). Prostate cancer: Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men (and the sixth most common cancer overall) worldwide. Around 680 000 cases were recorded in 2002, accounting for around 12 per cent of all new cases of cancer in men (6 per cent overall). It is most commonly diagnosed in high-income countries, where screening is common (8). Risk factors: There is limited evidence suggesting that processed meat/ red meat, and milk and dairy products (6,8,9) and foods containing calcium are a probable cause of this cancer (8). Poissibly high levels of bioavailable androgens and of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I). Diet might affect prostate cancer risk by affecting hormone levels, and recent data suggest that animal protein may increase levels of IGF-I (6). Dietary recommendation: Foods containing lycopene, as well as selenium or foods containing it, food containing vit-E (6,8), pulses (legumes) including soya and soya products, alpha-tocopherol supplements probably protect against prostate cancer (8). It is unlikely that beta-carotene (whether from foods or supplements) has a substantial effect on the risk of this cancer (6,8). Recommendation for physical activity: A number of studies have examined the relationship between physical activity and prostate cancer. Most of these, especially when studying the most aggressive and advanced forms, has found that physical activity protects against prostate cancer (16,17).
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