
Cantik dan Keren..!! 6 Tentara Indonesia yang Cantiknya Kebangetan Bikin Pengen Jadi Komandan Hatinya

How Applying to Law School Early Could Pay Off Many law schools use a rolling admissions process, meaning they evaluate applications as they come in and release admissions decisions, one by one. Because there are typically more spots available in a law school class at the beginning of the admissions process than at the end, the ideal time for J.D. hopefuls to apply to law school is in the fall or early winter, experts say. "I tell anyone planning on applying to law school to apply early," Dineen Pashoukos Wasylik, a partner and owner of DPW Legal, an intellectual property and appellate practice boutique law firm in Florida, wrote in an email. "The class just fills up, and it gets harder and harder to get in as time goes on." Wasylik, who earned her J.D. from Georgetown University, says she knows from experience that the timing of a J.D. application is critical. The first time she applied to law school, Wasilyk was in her senior year of college, and she submitted all her application materials at the last minute because she felt unsure about whether she wanted to attend law school at the beginning of her senior year. She only realized later in her senior year that law school was the logical next step for her, and says she was disappointed by the responses she got from law schools when she eventually did apply. Evaluate How These Soft Factors Might Impact Your Law School Chances A lot of factors go into consideration when an admissions committee evaluates a law school application. Many are obvious, such as GPA, LSAT scores, personal statement, letters of recommendation and resume. Many, however, are unaware that there are other aspects of an applicant that don't necessarily appear on any one document that may grant them a positive nudge when being assessed by law schools. We call these "soft factors," and if one of them is part of your life experience, you would do well to highlight it in your application to improve your chances. Highlight military service. Schools love veterans, as they typically have the discipline, maturity, and life experience that many applicants – especially those applying from college – may lack. However, as you'll see in almost any soft factor, not all veterans are viewed the same. Any decorations – especially the rarer ones, such as a Service Crosses or a Silver Star – would give you a leg up on other veterans, so you should discuss the circumstances surrounding any decoration in a personal statement or an optional essay. Additionally, commissioned service, or serving as an officer, is viewed more favorably, as it carries with it additional training and leadership experience. Showcase outstanding co-curricular achievements. If you have had a paper published in a recognized journal in your research field, or have won awards from recognized outside groups for your research, those are fantastic achievements to highlight on your law school application. Obviously, the more widely accepted and cited your paper is, the more weight it will carry with schools. Similarly, being a recipient of a prestigious scholarship would also work in your favor, the more exclusive the better. Play up work experience and relevant expertise. Think about how exclusive your position was to determine how much weight it will be given. Scooping ice cream is unlikely to move a needle much, but being a top-tier executive at a Fortune 500 company would be quite appealing to law school. The expertise, knowledge, determination and demonstrated work ethic are exactly what law schools expect from their students and alumni. Similarly, being even somewhat-widely known in your field, perhaps by coming up with a new treatment as a doctor or a new approach to a common problem, should also be highlighted. Finally, some relevant, extensive work experience in a field relevant to legal field, for example, working as a chemist for a biotech company who is now looking to get into IP law, could also reflect favorably with the admissions committee. Demonstrate your leadership experience in school. Even in college you’ll have a chance to shine in many capacities, but here too the specifics matter too. The more people relied on your guidance and the more pressure you were under, the better your application will look.
Are you wondering what to write on a card to someone who has cancer? Well, its a hard question especially if youve never been through the tough times of a cancer treatment. Writing a card for someone who has cancer can be undoubtly very difficult as one is being stirred by a huge storm of emotions such as denial, or fear of losing your loved ones forever. Tips for Writing a Card for Cancer Patients In case youre wondering what to write on a card to someone who has cancer, these tips will be helpful: Analyze the Seriousness of Cancer A person who has been given few definite months to live should be given a different card than from a person who has found a small lump and is waiting for his screening. Usually the stages of cancer are categorized according to Roman numeral system. The greater the numeral number, the greater chances of cancer spreading to other body parts. For instance, stage I and II of cancer refers to local confinement of cancer, but stage III and IV refers to advancement of the cancer to other parts of the body. Sending a get well soon card to a stage IV cancer patient would seen very inappropriate and insensitive. In such a situation when you have to express your sentiments, use an honest approach asynchronous with the situation such as writing thinking of you often, or our hearts are just snowed under sorrow. Use a Meaningfully Loving Tone Let the person know the reason for loving them, what traits you specifically appreciate in them. Instead of saying a routine I Love you, say I have always treasured your beautiful smile, your intimate friendship in my life, and yours always lending me a sympathetic ear. Be Empathetic Think what kind of a card you would want to receive if you were the patient. Would you want to be cheered up? Or would you want to be pitied? Peep inside your heart, and you would know how to transfer your innermost true feelings on the card. Card senders should honestly express their feelings saying I cannot find the right words to express my sentiments about your cancer diagnosis. I just wanted you to know that I think of you often and praying for your recovery." This is a simple but honest statement. Employ a Little Humor In case the person youre sending the card to has a good sense of humor, you can make them smile by writing funny jokes, quotations, or a story. A better way to do this would be to share with them some personal funny incident that took place with you may be at work or at home. For instance you can write like: Dear (name of the patient), I just had to share with you a funny thing that happened with me and my kids when we were at the grocery store Motivate Them with Inspirational Quotes, Verses and Sayings Try writing an inspirational note for them, which will uplift their gloomy mood. The card should not be sympathetic in a gloomy tone. The recipient already understands he is going through rough times. He would rather want to read a succinct, encouraging message of hope than one of sympathy that highlights the negative aspects of his ailment Dont write, Its sad that you cant join me anymore for the morning walk, instead write them an inspiring note saying that, I cant wait to start our morning walk when you get better. Offer them a prayer, which will reassure them that they are in your thoughts. Here are a few more inspirational quotes one can fit in the card according to the situation. "Some days there wont be a song in your heart. Sing anyway." -Emory Austin "Courage is fear that has said its prayers." -Dorothy Bernard "When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on." Franklin D. Roosevelt In time of test, family is best. Burmese proverb Offer Your Solid Help Avoid using statements such as do let me know if I can be of any help. Many people get offended at such statements since they despise the thought of becoming a burden on someone. Offer solid help by writing, I would love to bring you few meals next week, so dont plan cooking until next Monday. Think what would be some of the handful tasks for the cancer patients, and offer your help in the most creative and tactful manner which wont make them feel bad about their situation. Offering concrete help to such patients would enable them to feel as if part of a supportive and a caring network. End with Affection, Love and Hope End the card with a heightened expression of love and realistic hope for their well-being. A funny joke or a memorable moment can be jotted at the end of the card too. If the person is in their last days, offer them laughter from blissful moments of the past, or other positive notes in their difficult times. Remember, cancer treatment involves a long, patience filled treatment plan, and now that weve had a clear idea what to write in a card for someone who has cancer, the only best support one can offer to such patients is a sincere, honest acknowledgement of his tough battle and appropriate words to soothe them down which will definitely make them feel better and cared for. In such a case, one would be in an absolute dark as to what would be favorable and what would be inappropriate to write in the card. At times, cancers are terminal, manageable, and even curable, but in every case cancer patients appreciate receiving cards from friends and family members as it provides them with an emotional boost and cheers them up. One thing is for sure: A stationary purchased card with formal words will not produce even half the powerful emotional effect of a card than what one can write them personally.
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