
Cinta Yang Tulus Adalah Cinta Yang Bisa Menerima Masa Lalu Dan Bersedia Membangun Masa Depan Bersama

How Applying to Law School Early Could Pay Off Many law schools use a rolling admissions process, meaning they evaluate applications as they come in and release admissions decisions, one by one. Because there are typically more spots available in a law school class at the beginning of the admissions process than at the end, the ideal time for J.D. hopefuls to apply to law school is in the fall or early winter, experts say. "I tell anyone planning on applying to law school to apply early," Dineen Pashoukos Wasylik, a partner and owner of DPW Legal, an intellectual property and appellate practice boutique law firm in Florida, wrote in an email. "The class just fills up, and it gets harder and harder to get in as time goes on." Wasylik, who earned her J.D. from Georgetown University, says she knows from experience that the timing of a J.D. application is critical. The first time she applied to law school, Wasilyk was in her senior year of college, and she submitted all her application materials at the last minute because she felt unsure about whether she wanted to attend law school at the beginning of her senior year. She only realized later in her senior year that law school was the logical next step for her, and says she was disappointed by the responses she got from law schools when she eventually did apply. Evaluate How These Soft Factors Might Impact Your Law School Chances A lot of factors go into consideration when an admissions committee evaluates a law school application. Many are obvious, such as GPA, LSAT scores, personal statement, letters of recommendation and resume. Many, however, are unaware that there are other aspects of an applicant that don't necessarily appear on any one document that may grant them a positive nudge when being assessed by law schools. We call these "soft factors," and if one of them is part of your life experience, you would do well to highlight it in your application to improve your chances. Highlight military service. Schools love veterans, as they typically have the discipline, maturity, and life experience that many applicants – especially those applying from college – may lack. However, as you'll see in almost any soft factor, not all veterans are viewed the same. Any decorations – especially the rarer ones, such as a Service Crosses or a Silver Star – would give you a leg up on other veterans, so you should discuss the circumstances surrounding any decoration in a personal statement or an optional essay. Additionally, commissioned service, or serving as an officer, is viewed more favorably, as it carries with it additional training and leadership experience. Showcase outstanding co-curricular achievements. If you have had a paper published in a recognized journal in your research field, or have won awards from recognized outside groups for your research, those are fantastic achievements to highlight on your law school application. Obviously, the more widely accepted and cited your paper is, the more weight it will carry with schools. Similarly, being a recipient of a prestigious scholarship would also work in your favor, the more exclusive the better. Play up work experience and relevant expertise. Think about how exclusive your position was to determine how much weight it will be given. Scooping ice cream is unlikely to move a needle much, but being a top-tier executive at a Fortune 500 company would be quite appealing to law school. The expertise, knowledge, determination and demonstrated work ethic are exactly what law schools expect from their students and alumni. Similarly, being even somewhat-widely known in your field, perhaps by coming up with a new treatment as a doctor or a new approach to a common problem, should also be highlighted. Finally, some relevant, extensive work experience in a field relevant to legal field, for example, working as a chemist for a biotech company who is now looking to get into IP law, could also reflect favorably with the admissions committee. Demonstrate your leadership experience in school. Even in college you’ll have a chance to shine in many capacities, but here too the specifics matter too. The more people relied on your guidance and the more pressure you were under, the better your application will look.
� First things 1st, Protect yourself Never, Never, Never let your health insurance lapse. If your new insurance doesn't come through or your health conditions have changed you may not be eligible for similar coverage at a similar price. � Avoid fraudulent insurance plans Always, Always go with a large well known company. Small or unknown insurance companies that aggressively fight for you to sign up and have lower rates than comparable plans of larger companies are a bad bad sign. They sign up thousands of individuals in good health then suddenly when people start submitting claims the insurance company starts dramatically increasing their rates. Clients in good health go elsewhere but those with health issues get stuck. The insurance company may continue increasing rates and reducing benefits leaving you stuck between a rock and a hard place. Call your states insurance department and make sure the insurance agent and company are legitimate, and licensed in your state. Most fraudulent plans are sold over the Internet or through direct mail solicitations. Always use a check, money order or credit card when buying a policy so that you have a record of your purchase. Never pay cash and avoid direct withdrawal and automated payments at least for several statement periods. Never make payments to the agent, only to the insurance company. Never be pressured by "one time deals" or "last chance offers for special savings". � Know what your buying Remember if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. When comparing health plans, check the "Exclusions" first. One of the first things an experienced agent looks at in a health insurance plan is the list of plan exclusions, or what is not covered. Often found in small print, what is not covered is equally if not more important than what is. Comparing policies and providers is a must in today's high cost insurance market. Using a website or agent that compares multiple providers and plans is the best way to ensure your getting the best policy for the right price, but remember if a policy is significantly cheaper, beware. � Important notes of interest Smoking will dramatically raise the policy prices of your health and life insurance plans. Locking into a health insurance policy when your young will help you ensure long term affordable coverage since getting health insurance when your older, or have established medical issues is much more difficult and costly. Having some individual health insurance is far better than having nothing at all. With no rehabilitation benefits you could lose your job, in turn losing everything you've worked for. � What are your needs? Are you planning on starting a family, and therefore in need of both maternity and child coverage, including immunizations? A problem newborn can easily accumulate $200,000 in advanced medical care. Therefore a plan with maternity benefits can shoot up costs. Overall, buy the best policy you can afford to keep. Would you like your office and/or hospital visits included in your coverage? Do you need coverage for prescriptions? Be sure to consider your current and future needs when shopping for insurance. Do not inquire about health insurance until you have fully evaluated your present and past medical conditions. An Individual Health Insurance Company may elect not to cover your conditions, or they may pump up the normal premium rates. If you have serious health conditions you might try to see if Blue Cross will insure you, keep your current coverage in place if they have a 180 +- day delay for pre-existing conditions. � How can policy rates be adjusted to be more affordable Check to see how much lower your premium will be if you opt for a major medical plan with a $1,000, $2,500, or even $5,000 deductible. I recently switched from an insurance plan with $1000 deductible plus 50% copay to $3500 and $30 copay per office visit. To a 1500 deductible with only 3 office visits paid for per year. I rarely go to the doctor so having to pay for my visits myself wasn't going to cost me much and my policy was $400 less per quarter, substantially better for me at $1600 per year savings. Note: not all individual health insurance policies are Major Medical plans. Some are hospital plans with stripped benefits, or just hospital indemnity plans which would limit the amount paid per day for hospitalization. Check to see if the insurer has one rate for all ages, male and female. Some individual health plans base your rates on age, with females getting lower rates at certain ages, and males getting higher rates. Get multiple quotes from various insurance companies in order to make your best decision. By comparing companies, you may save some money and find greater benefit plans. Be sure that you are comparing apples to apples, since prices and coverage on different plans will vary. � There are several types of health plans available to choose Always try to purchase a Major Medical insurance plan. Most Major Medical plans will pay up to $2,000,000 or more in lifetime benefits. There are major medical plans available that allow you to customize your coverage and stay within your budget. Health insurance plans that cover all the basics are flexible and affordable. You can pick and choose the coverage and deductible amount you want. Check out the HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) beware though, an HMO is difficult and resistant, you may have to beg to get a referral approved, even though your doctor insists on it. Plus you select your doctor from their list and only use a certain hospital when necessary. A PPO (Preferred Provider Organization) offers more flexibility at a higher price. POS (Point of Service), HSA (Health Savings Account-also known as MSA-medical savings account), and traditional indemnity, which is becoming less common as it is more expensive than the other plans. Carefully compare the pros and cons of each plan, and consider which will be more beneficial to you. One plan that is gaining popularity fast is a (HDHP) High Deductible Health Plan. Major medical coverage is provided with this type of plan. This type of plan features higher deductibles than other types of health insurance and provides coverage for serious injury and illness. Routine doctor's visits and exams can be included for as cheap as $19 per month with this plan. Similar to an HMO, PPO, and POS an HDHP uses a network of doctors and hospitals to provide complete medical care and benefits to it's members. These networks are very large and have providers wherever you may live in America. Discount medical service is given to members of an HDHP plan allowing you and your insurance company to reduce medical costs which keeps your premium lower. Many variables are possible with an HDHP health plan such as a high deductible, flexible catastrophic limits, coinsurance, copays, preventive care, and prescriptions. Monthly premium savings can be quite substantial, so be sure to look at a high deductible health plan before you decide to buy a new health insurance policy. Multiple insurance quotes are available for anyone living in any of the following states, Alabama AL, Alaska AK, Arizona AZ, Arkansas AR, California CA, Colorado CO, Connecticut CT, Delaware DE, District of Columbia DC, Florida FL, Georgia GA, Hawaii H, Idaho ID, Illinois IL, Indiana IN, Iowa IA, Kansas KS, Kentucky KY, Louisiana LA, Maine ME, Maryland MD, Massachusetts MA, Michigan MI, Minnesota MN, Mississippi MS, Missouri MO, Montana MT, Nebraska NE, Nevada NV, New Hampshire NH, New Jersey NJ, New Mexico NM, New York NY, North Carolina NC, North Dakota ND, Ohio OH, Oklahoma OK, Oregon OR, Pennsylvania PA, Rhode Island RI, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee TN, Texas TX, Utah UT, Vermont VT, Virginia VA, Washington WA, West Virginia WV, Wisconsin WI, and Wyoming WY... Compare and Save! Michale Trueson is a specialist in insurance cost reduction through company and policy comparison. In todays market shopping and comparing is a must for affordable insurance. [http://a1insured.com] Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1285513

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