
Foto yang Membuat Pikiran Kamu Terkecoh, Buktikan Sendiri..!!

How Applying to Law School Early Could Pay Off Many law schools use a rolling admissions process, meaning they evaluate applications as they come in and release admissions decisions, one by one. Because there are typically more spots available in a law school class at the beginning of the admissions process than at the end, the ideal time for J.D. hopefuls to apply to law school is in the fall or early winter, experts say. "I tell anyone planning on applying to law school to apply early," Dineen Pashoukos Wasylik, a partner and owner of DPW Legal, an intellectual property and appellate practice boutique law firm in Florida, wrote in an email. "The class just fills up, and it gets harder and harder to get in as time goes on." Wasylik, who earned her J.D. from Georgetown University, says she knows from experience that the timing of a J.D. application is critical. The first time she applied to law school, Wasilyk was in her senior year of college, and she submitted all her application materials at the last minute because she felt unsure about whether she wanted to attend law school at the beginning of her senior year. She only realized later in her senior year that law school was the logical next step for her, and says she was disappointed by the responses she got from law schools when she eventually did apply. Evaluate How These Soft Factors Might Impact Your Law School Chances A lot of factors go into consideration when an admissions committee evaluates a law school application. Many are obvious, such as GPA, LSAT scores, personal statement, letters of recommendation and resume. Many, however, are unaware that there are other aspects of an applicant that don't necessarily appear on any one document that may grant them a positive nudge when being assessed by law schools. We call these "soft factors," and if one of them is part of your life experience, you would do well to highlight it in your application to improve your chances. Highlight military service. Schools love veterans, as they typically have the discipline, maturity, and life experience that many applicants – especially those applying from college – may lack. However, as you'll see in almost any soft factor, not all veterans are viewed the same. Any decorations – especially the rarer ones, such as a Service Crosses or a Silver Star – would give you a leg up on other veterans, so you should discuss the circumstances surrounding any decoration in a personal statement or an optional essay. Additionally, commissioned service, or serving as an officer, is viewed more favorably, as it carries with it additional training and leadership experience. Showcase outstanding co-curricular achievements. If you have had a paper published in a recognized journal in your research field, or have won awards from recognized outside groups for your research, those are fantastic achievements to highlight on your law school application. Obviously, the more widely accepted and cited your paper is, the more weight it will carry with schools. Similarly, being a recipient of a prestigious scholarship would also work in your favor, the more exclusive the better. Play up work experience and relevant expertise. Think about how exclusive your position was to determine how much weight it will be given. Scooping ice cream is unlikely to move a needle much, but being a top-tier executive at a Fortune 500 company would be quite appealing to law school. The expertise, knowledge, determination and demonstrated work ethic are exactly what law schools expect from their students and alumni. Similarly, being even somewhat-widely known in your field, perhaps by coming up with a new treatment as a doctor or a new approach to a common problem, should also be highlighted. Finally, some relevant, extensive work experience in a field relevant to legal field, for example, working as a chemist for a biotech company who is now looking to get into IP law, could also reflect favorably with the admissions committee. Demonstrate your leadership experience in school. Even in college you’ll have a chance to shine in many capacities, but here too the specifics matter too. The more people relied on your guidance and the more pressure you were under, the better your application will look.
Our bodies already contain the information on how to effectively combat oxidative stress and chronic inflammation. That information is stored in our genes. The secret lies in being able to instruct cells regarding the implementation of that information. Protandim does just that. Your body receives a constant supply of oxygen as you breathe and your cells use that oxygen in various chemical reactions along with the vitamins and minerals, and the proteins, fats, and carbohydrates consumed in the foods you eat, to produce energy and keep you healthy. As a consequence of this metabolic activity, highly reactive molecules are produced known as free radicals. Free radicals can be thought of as similar in many ways to the exhaust from your automobile; that is, the energy released from the combustion of gasoline and oxygen is desirable, but the resultant exhaust is toxic and harmful. A free radical is a molecule missing an electron and it will strip an electron from another molecule to become "whole". This damages that molecule which in turn becomes a free radical beginning a chain reaction. Once the process is started it escalates throughout a lifetime and is thought to be one of the primary determinates of aging. Damage enough molecules and you damage the cell, damage enough cells and you damage the tissue or organ system. Damage to tissue in excess of the body's ability to repair that damage is called disease. All antioxidants neutralize free radicals by donating one of their own electrons ending the "electron-stealing" reaction. The antioxidants themselves don't become free radicals when they donate an electron because they are stable in either form. All aerobic organisms (those that require oxygen for life), including mankind, produce this harmful "exhaust" as a result of normal cellular metabolism as described above and have evolved to handle and dispose of it. But, if the antioxidants needed for this process are unavailable, or if free-radical exposure becomes excessive, damage occurs. In our modern society there is both less availability of antioxidants due to the diminishing quality of our food sources, and more exposure to free-radicals due to increasing pollutants in our environment. Many of the foods past generations relied upon to supply naturally occurring antioxidants have been processed and now contain preservatives, and have been canned, frozen, or micro-waved negating much of their antioxidant properties. Worse, much of what we consume has been exposed to herbicides and pesticides which far from reducing oxidative stress actually contributes to it. These same herbicides and pesticides contaminate our ground water as well. Environmental pollutants found in our air and water such as emissions from automobiles and industries, radiation, asbestos, and many others all contribute to the production of free radicals. Smoking, alcohol, and pharmaceuticals also contribute to the production of free radicals. Thus, this society is exposed to more free radicals than any before in the history of man. Oxidative damage and chronic inflammation has been implicated in the cause of many diseases such as cancer, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, atherosclerosis, heart failure, myocardial infarction, Schizophrenia, Bipolar disorder, fragile X syndrome, Sickle Cell Disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and others. It has, as well, an impact on the body's aging process. It is no small matter. What Can You Do? Diet is, of course, an important consideration. Berries Blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries and cranberries are among the top sources of antioxidants. Beans Small red beans and kidney, pinto and black beans are all choices rich in antioxidants. Fruits Many apple varieties (with peel) are high in antioxidants, as are avocados, cherries, green and red pears, fresh or dried plums, pineapple, kiwi and others. Vegetables Those with the highest antioxidant content include artichokes, spinach, red cabbage, red and white potatoes (with peel), sweet potatoes and broccoli. Although the effect of cooking on antioxidant levels varies by cooking method and vegetable, one study showed that cooking generally increased levels among select vegetables. Beverages Green tea may come to mind as a good source of antioxidants, but other beverages have high levels, too, including coffee, red wine and many fruit juices such as pomegranate. Nuts Walnuts, pistachios, pecans, hazelnuts and almonds are some of the top nuts for antioxidant content. Herbs These may be unexpected suppliers of antioxidants, but ground cloves, cinnamon and ginger, dried oregano leaf and turmeric powder are all good sources. Grains In general, oat-based products are higher in antioxidants than are those derived from other grain sources. And for dessert A piece of dark chocolate ranks as high or higher than most fruits and vegetables in terms of antioxidant content. How Does Protandim Help? Vitamins C and E are thought to protect the body against the destructive effects of free-radicals too. The trouble is that one such antioxidant molecule from whatever source can neutralize only a few free-radical molecules before it is depleted. In our modern society, a good diet alone is simply no longer enough. The most effective way to fight free radicals and reverse the spread of oxidative stress and the chronic inflammation they cause is to trigger the body to produce its own free-radical fighting enzymes. That information is stored in our genes. Protandim is specially formulated to induce cells to produce more of these genetically encoded catalytic defense enzymes which have been named Superoxide Dismutases (SOD). Every enzyme molecule produced by this approach can eliminate up to 1 million free radicals before being depleted. When the protein messenger (Nrf2) is activated, it enters the nucleus of the cell and turns on hundreds of the bodys survival genes that code for these enzymes. These genes enable cells to survive in the face of several different kinds of stress, especially oxidative stress. Nrf2 also affects hundreds of other genes, pro-inflammatory and pro-fibrotic genes, by turning them down. Thus, Protandim is a master regulator of the aging process and an Nrf2 synergizer which activates survival genes, including antioxidant genes, that keep us safe from free radicals and oxidants and their harmful effects. It also turns down genes that perpetuate inflammation, and genes that encourage slow, progressive fibrosis to take place. Together these actions provide a remarkable promise of protection from many kinds of age-related health conditions. Protandim was developed by Joe McCord, Ph.D. Dr. McCord holds a B.S. in Chemistry from Rhodes College (graduated 1966) and a Ph.D. in Biochemistry from Duke University (graduated 1970), where he also conducted postdoctoral research. Dr. McCord has held biochemistry faculty positions at Duke University Medical Center and University of South Alabama. He currently serves as a professor in the department of Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Molecular Genetics at the University of Colorado Denver. He has received several awards and honors for his research and discoveries in the field of free radical biochemistry, is a past recipient of the Elliott Cresson Medal, the Discovery Award from the Society for Free Radical Biology and Medicine (SFRBM), and a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Oxygen Society. He has been a member of the board of directors of the LifeVantage Corporation (makers of the dietary supplement Protandim) since 2006. More Information The battle between those with a vested interest in the status quo and those who advocate non-pharmacological solutions to the health ailments of man will continue to rage. What is certain, however, is that LifeVantage Corporation has recently been granted a fourth patent for its flagship product Protandim from the United States Patent and Trademark Office. It is further certain that the U.S. government-funded National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), whose mission is to develop new information technologies to aid in the understanding of fundamental molecular and genetic processes that control health and disease has published twelve (12) research articles on PubMed, a service of the US National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health, and that many more studies are currently being conducted by several major universities. In addition, a Primetime Live Investigative Report by ABC News which aired in 2005 found scientific merit to the claims.
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